The make of a Genius

Today sitting in a cafe I happened to drop an ear into an interesting conversation between two elderly gentlemen. The topic of discussion being are genius made or born. I have read over and over the quote by Thomas Edison " Genius are one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration " which currently was the point of contention between these two eccentrics.

As the discussion proceeded, it went into being said that there was a study among american, belgian and korean mothers about what makes their kids good at math. Amazingly, it seems that while belgian and korean moms said that with daily practice they think that their kids can be good of math, american mothers were of the view that there is a gene of talent among each kid which makes them better at a particular thing or not, due to which not being good at math can be blamed on genetic built of a person.

If american mothers are to be believed then each man is not equal to another, some are born better than others. Which goes against the current philosophy that every one is born equal. Everyone knows it quite well though that not every musician can be Mozart or every painter Van Gogh. A genius musician said one of the old man, is only genius because he practices eight hours a day on his violin. That's what is needed for a genius. But can practice alone make a person genius without talent ?
I think it can. If not genius but at least better than most others.

What makes genius, genius ? There goes a lot more into it than just talent. Most, now well known creative genius were eccentrics and mentally unstable people except for their particular area of interest they spent all their energy into.

This just reminded me of all the summer vacations my mom spent on reminding me and my siblings to recite aloud all the tables so nothing settles on the engine of our brains. And just like a well oiled machine runs good after overhaul, practice fuels performance every time.

What isn't a God gift can be more than made up for by discipline and constant conscious effort to achieve excellence in any field. But the point of initiation is the discontent and restlessness in the current and present that propels us to walk the extra mile. To end with another of Edison's quote " Restlessness is discontent — and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man — and I will show you a failure."

Phew at least Edison thinks that insomnia and constant agitated restlessness is a good thing !!


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