Vitamin F

Years ago sitting in the library of my school, I was explaining this self concocted theory of faith and belief that I think I should revisit because it was very good.

My theory said that in order for something that seems miraculous to happen to us there has to be unquestionable, unwavering, unmovable kind of faith in a cause we believe in. There is no myth in some of the great things happening to great people. The reason being, these people believe passionately without an ounce of doubt in something and just go for it.

I will go one step further in explaining this theory. I say, believing in something requires part of ours in the form of energy to be put into work. Sort of like potential energy being converted into kinetic energy. According to my understanding, no human effort of any form ever goes wasted without producing an effect in our form of living. Everyone has this belief system embedded in them. According to me it only gets energized first at a very crucial time of a person’s life due to a happening more than one’s current capacity can handle and they are set into motion to a new perspective. The beginning of this new perspective starts by the want of answers. We then start seeking them in several ways, that’s perhaps the starting point of one’s religious beliefs if they haven’t already been dictated by birth. But to keep the wheels rolling after the initiation, one has to fuel it with practice and newer paradigms of areas we seek it in.

The faith theory says one should never question or doubt anything that one wants. Doubts are like irksome splinters that can divert our energy in areas we do not want. Some motivational theories may call it focus but really all focus and no faith is going to produce no results.

Sometimes I think we can subconsciously affect a lot of things that happen to us because there are no coincidences for a true believer. Faith can create positive energy that can heal people of hurt and pain. It’s the fodder for dreams to become reality. I also think that a person who does have such faith always like a challenge and takes life as they come and enjoys it because this person would know his dream and follow it no matter what on the feeling of “gut”.

It is like the Alchemist who goes without a plan and finds everything because the actual reward lies in the journey and call it living in la la land where everything seems possible or naivety; we’ve got enough practicality but we can never have enough of dreamers and believers. Maybe a good dose of Vitamin F can be the solution to some of the problems.

Vitamin F does not need prescription and can be used anytime. Users of Vitamin F are highly contagious beings spreading the use of it to everyone they meet. They are also highly risk taking beings who will conveniently fall back onto it for everything and never regret doing so. The ROI in the investment of this drug beats any other product.


champrules said…
I agree with most things you say.. but I feel you have underplayed "doubt" and over-rated "motivation"

I tend to relate more to this quote..

"The whole idea of motivation is a trap. Forget motivation. Just do it. Exercise, lose weight, test your blood sugar, or whatever. Do it without motivation. And then, guess what? After you start doing the thing, that's when the motivation comes and makes it easy for you to keep on doing it.”
- John Maxwell

What I feel is though a person may not start of with a crystal clear plan and may in fact have reasonable "doubt" about everything; but as time progresses the momentum factor sets in, allows the person to do course correction, if needed and helps one achieve his/her goal in the long term.

So I think having doubts necessarily might not be that bad :)

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