A thunderstruck nostalgia

She woke up to the noises coming from the kitchen and for a moment felt that the place was her childhood home and if she would get up and run to the common area, she would find her mother and siblings preparing supper or making some such preparations. Her dad would have just come from office and would be watering the plants. During the monsoons, after trudging from the soaky roads and battling for some room for her umbrella when she’d reach home and freshen up; the bed would be welcoming and cozy. The raindrops on the windowpane and the bustle that could still be heard outside of the window while she cuddled in her blanket and tried listening to radio would be bliss. There would be tea to drink and people talking about their day. Some college things, some incident with the neighbor, some teacher being a pain, some boss being well boss, all put on the table; or simply complaints flying from every corner about the nonsensical choices of television made by the matriarchy. “ Did I know when I was a kid that it was a good childhood” she wondered. It had its ups and downs but whatever it was, it still was the best place on earth she confessed. The thunder lightening outside made her more nostalgic and she said a silent prayer “ I hope I appreciated it when I was there. I think I must have but if I did not then, I do now. Thank you God” she said under her breath and opened her calendar to list the things to do for tomorrow.


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