Blogging Again And Getting Over My Analysis Paralysis

I have been putting off trying to set up a new blog for a while. I love writing just to rant, analyze or even process things as they happen. But why have I been putting it off since January 1st, 2017 when I originally made the New Year’s Resolution? Glad you asked..

For one my mind has been throwing too many questions as to how to really go about it (I guess growing up read getting old does that) – which topics, what is my brand, will this fit with my work (don’t want to inadvertently rant about things that could get me into trouble) and so on. Not sure if I am the only person with such confusions but I have a feeling I am not the only one. 

Then last night I remembered my old blogger account that I used to write in almost a decade ago.

So I have decided to kick the analysis paralysis to the curb and do the one thing on my To-do lists that I’ve been putting off forever. For now, the purpose of this blog is to share things I learned, stuff I read, few rants, and Aaha moments if any that impact me. I will try to keep this as honest as possible and update this at least couple of times a week (at least that's my goal).

I am super excited to get back to it – Wish me luck and if you have thoughts based on anything I write please leave a note J

P.S: I am happy I was able to refer back to some things I used to write about. Yes, my style has changed but just seeing how bold I was to put my thoughts out there without being burdened by over-analysis is making me proud of the younger me. 


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