That illusive other freaking world...

I never realized more than today that I lose touch with reality sometimes. It was an absolutely fine saturday and since we were mistaken about Ramzan's day, we head off to get some things last minute for the EId. As we move to pay for our stuff my eyes wander on this bag they were selling. A tote bag with their brand on it. It looked kind of thick so mostly I thought it was insulated and I was thinking what fiber it was made of, was it recycled and whether it was manufactured here and how much would its cost of making was, printing .. now if it was supposed to be an environmental friendly one they could have done without them no ?? Anyhoo.. that's absolutely not the point .

The guy at the counter was absolutely cute (which was the reason I went to that counter in the first place) and while I was mentally un-present at the place he was flirting it seems (which was pointed out to me, once we left the place) I remember him asking are you having plans for tonite while I reached to the conclusion it probably was a nonwoven insulation and the price might be around 4-5 bucks and profit margins might have been huge if made elsewhere say India for making of course and not considering the taxes and if only trade was more freer ..and I din't reply nothing and swiped the card .. How often does a cutie you like flirts with you .. probability = 0.001% and then you miss it cos you are a geek ..aaaaaaaaaah Fmylife !!

P.S : ( No thanks at all to the person I went shopping with.. a subtle hint about being flirted with could have led to different plans than writing this on saturday nite .. duhh !!! )


Sang & Jay said…
waste.. kya yaar.. jaana chahaiye tha na..

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