Those twenties..

Being in your twenties .. What's great about it ?
You keep having flashes of that " I'm going to change the world" !!
Then you have a constant companion confusion that makes you doubt and redoubt and doubt your doubts (get the drift)

A few years back just freshly out of my first college degree, I thought its about survival. I say adios to a few years and again back to square one.

So whats great about the twenties ?
The ever continuing search for cheap apartments.
Even collaboration governments are working but not the deal with you and your room-mate.
Somehow the day for your paycheck never comes but the day for moving does so quickly, how can time be slow and fast at the same time ?

So whats so great about being in your twenties really ??
The endless castles in the air, and the discussions about someday this that and everything but from this stand point it looks farther than anything else.


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