An essential thing about reading something besides from your career stuff is, its like making a conscious choice of what one would like to inculcate in our systems. Its most wonderful part being that it does become a part of our lives in some way. Recently I completed reading " Breakfast with Buddha" by Roland Merullo. The main character Otto Ringling, I found much like me, beaten up by the big questions, searching for answers. At the juncture of the story where he meets Rinpoche (a spiritual person) and he asks Otto " Why so angry ??" I found myself asking the same question and couldn't find a justifiable answer on any grounds. Before that I used to make myself believe that, it was a driving factor of the kind of person I am with highs of its own kind. I don't think I did fool myself that well because then it wouldn't have struck a cord. I find that mostly due to scripting from a culture that says being busy all the time is the kind of living important ...