Snowy Snowy Day

One of the things East Coast of United States is blessed with is the diversity of weather. I remember in India I used to think there's just one season i.e Raummer (Rain+ Summer..) I was amazed to experience the changes in color when I came to Philadelphia. I actually had this thought that the nature here is so damn hard working, busy all around the year with the business of four seasons to take care of.

The most vivid scene from Mumbai that I remember of, is the day I was going to the US consulate for my Visa interview. That was the day it flooded yet another time and my amateur skills as a swimmer were put to test. Now, I'm not a very tall person and when it comes to having me walking in water, this particular day I was wading through a water column to my waist height. God knows how I kept my documents dry in midst of all that splashing, murky coffee like swimming pool all around me. There's just no way we were ever prepared for the rain. If the weather forecasts rain, that was the day I would actually be pretty sure I can walk freely without carrying an umbrella around. (This actually makes me wonder about origins of my cynical roots)

Well that was then and from last week or so, there are weather alarms in Philly and as is human nature my mind goes on auto pilot mode. While my eyes glance through the continuous pour of emails about precautionary measures my university is taking and advisory notes from the apartment complex I stay; at the back of my head the old habitual Salma with the " going on a war with nature to return home" keeps working. I still can't get used to the fact that a weather alarm at Philly actually means a weather alarm. I got a taste of it yesterday when heroically I made my way with my backpack not taking heed of the impending snow storm to find myself stranded in a queue for the long wait for a bus (No matter where one is, the waiting for a bus never becomes fun, I have to admit).

Its strange the number of things, less than ideal conditions (like those unreliable warnings) makes one so used to old habits. I for one am relieved when things said have turned out to be the way they actually are, even though I had half expected them to be the other way. So on this snowy snowy day, with the white blanket covering all visible objects outside my window, sipping just the right kind of warm liquids, I find a welcome change in perspective. What was true once, need not be same for present. And oh yeah, adventure stops when it ventures into repetitive mistakes. Perhaps Mumbai's weather service changes, perhaps the municipal service becomes more prepared to take on the dynamics of that energetic city or perhaps I start not expecting too much or too less.

Here's to a clearness to see things as they are..


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