Fate and Free Will

I don't think that I believe so much in fate. I believe we are masters of our own free will, which is what sets us apart from all the other living species on earth. We are given a choice and a higher power wants us to believe and only then do these choices come to life and become fate. When we do not choose and leave everything to fate, it means that we have left that belief and faith somewhere behind so instead we try to complacently live with a laggardish assurance without taking charge of our own fate.

Given a choice to give up the cream on a superb cup of coffee which can make it taste infinitely better, how many of us would opt out of it assuming you love coffee as much as I do ?
The faculty of free will and choice is that cream of life that can add that peculiar flavor and unparalleled zing that makes the initial pain and suffering all worthwhile.


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