
Today, on the fine start of a saturday morning, I went for the second time for the local Toastmaster's club meeting. Its a good group of people who happened to share the common interest of self improvement in the aspect of public speaking. It usually shares the common routine of designated speakers, sharing the podium first which is then followed by something called "Table topics" where everyone present, including visitors like yours truly are given an impromptu topic and they are required to speak for a minute.

For a second timer, today's table topics were quite interesting and thought provoking. It was concerning the various aspects of " Passion ".

Passion, the incredible feeling I mostly associate with red color. No reason, its just one of things that plays in the screen of the mind whenever this word comes along. If someone asked you, what is your passion, how long do you think you would take to answer that? Surprisingly most people would actually immerse into a deep thought when asked this mundanely cliche question.

It was rather refreshing to see the Target speaker ask questions which would directly indicate what our passion is. I just wanted to write them down so I might remember them in one of those boring days. They go like this:

1) If you could take classes of a particular subject, what would that be ? These are not your classes that would help your career but rather, you would take them because learning that subject would actually be fun and work both.

2) What is your talent ? Something that you are natural at?
3) What is the process that you enjoy the most?
4) If you could be anything in the world what would that be?
5) What subject can't you stop yourself from talking incessantly about ?
6) If you could change one thing in the world what would that be ?

Strangely enough, each of these questions when answered sincerely directly reflect our innermost passion. The somewhat unbelievable part is how discorded from the inner tune we are that answering these questions honestly would require more time than we should need, for what is life without the insanity of the rush you feel when you do something and my favorite question : What is the one thing you are so excited to do, that you can't fall asleep at night because you can't wait for the morning to come !!


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