
A few days back, I sat down to fill out a job application after reading about refreshing your resumes from a book. You know the feeling when sometimes you try to elevate from your body and imagine how you would look from up ? It doesn't matter if you don't get what I'm talking about. Well that's what happens to me occasionally. I picture myself how I would be looking from right above me were I able to float, with one of me below and the other of me magically able to float above. I digress, so as I look from above and I see myself, crossed legged, peeping intensely into my computer from my nerdy not-yet-broken specs, frantically referring this book I so artificially was trying to believe it would really help and in trying to say the right things or rather market myself and suddenly I imagine a bubble like that of cartoons clouds above me and I'm thinking.

"What if I die ?"

" I haven't yet done anything. There is that hike to Himalayas pending oh! and that patting a whale left too. oh Gosh!! how horrible, I wouldn't have tried paragliding yet and that trip to Antartica is left too, and when in God's name am I going to complete that book I have to write.. Damn it !! I'm going to die soon and there are all these things left ?? Horrible, Horrible. And forget the will, I don't even have enough treasure yet to leave it to my family. I'm seriously screwed ."

So I sit down and open the 100th window on my overheated laptop and write down all the list I was imagining in my balloon of thoughts. If only I was a better sketcher, I would have preferred a colorful cartoon Salma of mine writing the thoughts in a real neat cartoon thought balloon. Aaah well, but the real Salma quickly typed all those things to do in an excel and saved it right on the desktop. At the end of the exercise, number of things to do - 65 and growing. I won't bore you what those 65 things are but really I have so many things to do and I'm going to die soon !! I still have to have that big company and building in my name to make and everything.. How horrible horrible it is.

Suddenly the floating me makes me realize, I have to get back to that job application and instead I've filled mydreams.xlsx and saved it on my desktop to give me yet another reason to go run amok wildly in my dream world.

Oh God, If only the dream world was true.. it rocks in there !!


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