
Showing posts from May, 2010

Necessity is the mother of invention

Necessity is the mother of invention, WHY ???.. because the story goes like this For some bizarre reason my roomie bought Ching's 2 minute noodles instead of Maggi. While trying everything once is good, somethings should be left alone like Ching's 2 min noodles (It smells like something that comes out of our body's dis-grunts) So after the first trial I vouched never ever to eat it even if it means wastage of a resource. But when there is a game on in your stomach with hunger doing rounds after a day's hard work you will leave your convictions for some other day. And so starts the scavenge hunt for leftovers and edibles (not requiring to cook food). And there it was staring from the shelf Ching's !!!! After doing the whole who will give in first deal with it; I gave in but I remembered my promise not to use the damn powder which will stink the whole apartment floor for an hour. Went back to Indian wisdom in a whole "gurujee, mujhe apne sharan mein le lo" s

High time one stopped overusing brains

Was discussing about train tragedy in west bengal. If people would listen to their heart instead of their minds all the time, no one would do things that would harm anyone on purpose.

Those twenties..

Being in your twenties .. What's great about it ? You keep having flashes of that " I'm going to change the world" !! Then you have a constant companion confusion that makes you doubt and redoubt and doubt your doubts (get the drift) A few years back just freshly out of my first college degree, I thought its about survival. I say adios to a few years and again back to square one. So whats great about the twenties ? The ever continuing search for cheap apartments. Even collaboration governments are working but not the deal with you and your room-mate. Somehow the day for your paycheck never comes but the day for moving does so quickly, how can time be slow and fast at the same time ? So whats so great about being in your twenties really ?? The endless castles in the air, and the discussions about someday this that and everything but from this stand point it looks farther than anything else.

Heart vs Brains

On few occasions there is that time when you have a mental debate about what you have to do and why and what it means. I like to call it "heart vs brains". But this is frequenting me more and more.

The elephant in the room

Today it came to my knowledge that these current days, when a job is posted online in one day around two thousand applicants try for the position. Something's incredibly wrong with this. Are there really so many desperate people out there waiting for things to happen for them ? I shudder at the thought of being one of them where I can't seem to have control over this situation on most accounts. I find it amusing when there is an elephant in the room scenario and people will try to pass the buck to see who is the first to mention " uhmm well by the way did you notice this huge elephant in the room .. dunno just seems odd its sitting there taking all our attention and yet we are jabbering about everything else on the planet " . However one of those elephants I keep bumping into is (drum rolls sound, ladies and gentlemen) " the job " scenario. I got to prepare to face it .. (darn !!)